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March 8, 2025
RSC Week 10 - Not Much to Show from Grandma's Red Needle

As the title says; I don't have much to show today.
I haven't made more yellow blocks (RSC for March), as I intended to.

I got busy quilting 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' and I'm happy to say about 3/4 of the quilt is done! I'm quilting it in straight seams only, rather tedious, but I like how it looks. 
And there are some yellows too! I have quilted a few yellow blocks, which should count?! lol

Can you spot Mini-Bug? He fell asleep after helping me choosing the right area to quilt and to ...

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March 4, 2025
New York Beauty Quilt is Finished! from Grandma's Red Needle

When the weather calls for 'no venture out', what do you do?!
Well, this apply to all rainy days, not only last week when 'Garance' passed close by. 

My February goal was to finish the NYB quilt, and I did! 

It has 48 blocks + 4 corner blocks.
It measures 74 x 58 inches / 188 x 147 cm
All batik from my stash, except the backing (batik too) I had to purchase. 

Once again thank you to those of you who suggested thread color and design!  (here). Much appreciated!

You may remember I'm on ...

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December 14, 2024
Flimsies, Pieced Backing and Frankenbatting from Grandma's Red Needle

 I'm happy to say I have two RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) flimsies!

Keep the Home Fires Burning
I had sew much fun adding all these blocks together! 

...and Sherri McConnell A Quilting Life BOM 2024

Finding the 'right' fabric for the border and sashing for a scrappy quilt can sometimes be a challenge. Since it has 'all' colors, any of these colors could be used, I guess. My DH suggested black for the sashing. Hm.... What do I have in my stash? Definitely not a big choice. A few strips left of Moda Marbles, one yard black Grunge is ...

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August 17, 2024
RSC Week #33 - ORANGE from Grandma's Red Needle

It's already past middle August! How did that happen?! 
I've been busy with this, that and everything. Finally this week I have the time to dive into the RSC color for August; ORANGE!

As said, I've been busy sewing the last days and here's the result.

First up is the August block from Sherri McConnel 'A Quilting Life'

Block #2 - Day Into Night

Block #10 - The Coffee Shop
Don't you just love that black cat?! 

5 Four-patches

1 Friendship block

1 Bowtie block ...

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July 20, 2024
RSC Week #29 - AQUA from Grandma's Red Needle

How come it's second half of July already?! 
I haven't posted anything this month. July is the start of prepping Christmas items for my Etsy shop and is always a busy month. I've worked mostly on Advent Calendars, mug rugs and trivets. 

Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen AQUA for this month's RSC  (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) scrappy color, shades of blue leaning towards green. 

Hmmm.... That's a tricky color for me, as I don't have many prints in that color. I've done a mix of aqua, turquoise and teal. It ...

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June 2, 2024
RSC Week #22 - BLUE for June from Grandma's Red Needle

Welcome June! 

Goodbye PINK - Welcome BLUE
Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen BLUE for June's  RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  

Since the last Saturday in April was on 25th, we got an early start on blue

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done:

4 Bowties

4 Nine-patches

1 Pinwheel

3 Friendships

6 Four-patches

...and then over to other blocks: 

8 Split-Nine blocks

Block #4 - Cobble Stones

Block #7 - Tidy Rows

Some of you may remember I worked on 'Star Streams' last year? 
Today (Wednesday), I dug deep in the box containing UFOs ...

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May 4, 2024
RSC Week 18 - PINK for May from Grandma's Red Needle

 Welcome May! 
May already! How did that happen?! 

Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen PINK for May's RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

This year, I'm making different blocks in the RSC colors. 
As I have mentioned earlier, I like to do all the blocks at the beginning of each month so that I can concentrate on other things when the blocks are done.

Since the last Saturday in April was on 27th, we got a head start on Pink! 

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done 

6 four-patches

3 Friendship blocks

Different 9-patches

2 Pinwheel ...

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April 13, 2024
RSC Week #15 Yellow continues from Grandma's Red Needle

First of all, as Chantal pointed out in my previous post, that I sewed three of the four bowtie blocks the wrong way! I was a bit cross-eyed after making all those blocks that day! lol Mistakes happen when we are tired. 
I had to make them the right way, or else it had haunted me forever!

Here they are! Redone!
Thank you Chantal for pointing it out! 

Yellow Scrap Jar blocks done

...and finally; Zipper blocks

The small yellow table topper has got a black border. I used a piece of ... well, not really 'ugly' fabric, but... a bit ...

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April 6, 2024
RSC Week #14 - Yellow for April from Grandma's Red Needle


Easter came and went, I hope you all had some relaxing and nice days. For us, it was all normal days. In Norway, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday are all public holidays. None public holidays for Easter in Mauritius. I never get the feeling of Easter here, except seeing the odd chocolate Easter bunnies and Easter eggs in the supermarkets.

New month and new color!
Angela at SoScrappy has chosen YELLOW for April's RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

I don't know about you, but I prefer doing the RSC blocks the first week(s) in ...

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March 16, 2024
RSC Week 11 - More Purple and Catch Up on Keep the Home Fires Burning from Grandma's Red Needle

 Another week has passed. March is still 'PURPLE', meaning working with purple fabrics for the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2024).

I've made the remaining 9-patches 

The pattern calls for 15 9-patches. I'm making them in RSC colors and may need another purple depending on the other upcoming colors. 

A little progress on the purple quilt I mentioned in my previous post:
When I pulled it out, I had forgotten I made two quilts! Just a little pre-senile! lol Part of the backing for the big quilt is pieced, I just had to ...

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March 9, 2024
Seeing PURPLE all week! from Grandma's Red Needle

 Angela over at Superscrappy has chosen PURPLE for March' RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge).

Purple has never been a favorite, hence there's no stack of purple in my stash. Either one likes purple, or not. After I started quilting, I must admit I'm growing on purple, with all its shades. Interesting history about purple here

Last week, we had 4-5 days glorious weather and when that happens this time of the year, we always ask 'what's wrong?' We took advantage of the sunny days and spent a couple of days yard working. It feels good being outside, dig ...

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  • keep the home fires burning
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